January 2013
Theytus Books Publishes the Maiyoo Keyoh
In January 2013, the Maiyoo Keyoh was featured in this book of essays.
Dr. Wilcock and Jim Munroe discuss the aboriginal non-spatial relationships which must be considered by NRM managers
"For the Maiyoo Keyoh, the sites of significance tell a story of spatial connection – a pattern of use which conveys how the sites are connected. Far from being separate entities, the sites of significance are literally created by the environment around them. The trails are a clear example of spatial connection as well as human-nature ontological inseparability of time:"
Joining the dots: developing methodologies of communication in environmental decision-making is one of 17 essays in this collection.
Read more: http://www.theytus.com/Book-List/Indigenous-Earth-Praxis-and-Transformation